LCN Wilde-Pedique is designed especially for the repair, reconstruction and restoration of partially missing or damaged toe nails to create a healthy and natural looking nail. We have had excellent results on fungal, thick, sports injured and bruised toe nails.It is also effective on scaly and ridged nail surfaces, psoriatic nails, for hiding discolouration and protecting growing toe nails. Its unique adhesive properties means that good results can be achieved on calloused layers of skin providing there is a small amount of nail remaining on which to construct a gel nail.

Before After
Problems with your toe nails?
Embarrassed to expose them?
This could be your Solution
This remarkable gel is:
- Suitable for men, women and teenagers
- Non chemical, safe, hypoallergenic and non discolouring
- Extremely elastic, protective and adapts to the movement of the toe
- Contains an antifungal agent, (however, liquid anti fungal treatments can still be applied at home with gel nails)
- Can be custom blended to create a natural and healthy looking toe nail, with a french finish if desired.
- Non porous therefore nail varnish and nail varnish remover can be used over the nails without affecting the gel.
Your LCN trained podiatrist/chiropodist will prepare the nail surface, apply layers of the gel to gradually create a nail shape and cure the gel to harden it using harmless UV light. The gel nail is finished with a seal leaving a shiny healthy looking nail.
LCN Wilde-Pedique is a non soak off gel with long lasting results which may need to be professionally maintained / in-filled every 4 -8 weeks. POA
Health contra indications may restrict treatments. If you are in any doubt please enquire at time of booking. A full consultation will be carried out.