Until recently treatment options for warts and verrucas were limited to creams, topical lacquers and oral medication.
Today’s advances in medical technology allow us to have a new and effective method to treat verrucas and warts; Swift microwave therapy.
Are you fed up of your verrucas and warts?
Have your tried everything?
Verrucas are a pain. Literally.
They are difficult to treat, persistent, and unsightly. Some can persevere for years, growing deeper and impacting more and more on daily activities.
Around 10% of the population have a verruca. Most people have tried some form of treatment… but it hasn’t worked.
The good news? Swift is a scientifically proven solution that attacks the verruca virus at its heart.
Thousands of people all over the world have had their verrucas treated and cured with Swift.
Many people have previously given up on treatments for stubborn verruca - Swift offers those patients renewed hope, and for almost 80% of patients, complete freemdom from the condition.
How does Swift treatment work?
Watch this video for an insight into how the microwave therapy works:
Will it work for me?
If you're reading this, I'm quite sure you've had a painful verruca for some time. You owe it to yourself to try this treatment; within just a few sessions, we can have you pain free, and verruca-free after the course of treatment.
An independent UK clinical study analysed the worst cases of verruca across the country, and 76% of patients saw complete resolution in an average of 3 treatments.
Patients also reported significant reductions in pain after each treatment.
It's as easy as that! Get in touch now - make the appointment - and I promise, your future self will thank you!
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